Facebook last night rolled out a service to selected users called Facebook Lite.

A significant amount of users last night logged on to Facebook and were met with a message from the site admin that said they had been selected to help beta test Facebook Lite.

"We are building a faster, simpler version of Facebook that we call Facebook Lite. It’s not finished yet and we have plenty of kinks to work out, but we would love to get your feedback on what we have built so far.

Check out Facebook Lite now at http://lite.facebook.com."
Unfortunately, it seems Facebook didn't mean for so many people to see the above message. TechCrunch reports that the vast majority of users who visited the URL didn't see anything that looked too different from the current version of Facebook. However, a select few users were given a sneak peak of the service earlier in the week and said it was like Twitter with comments enabled. Some even compared it to a simplified FriendFeed, a content sharing site that Facebook purchased on Monday.